For many women, one of the first suspicions that they’re pregnant is that they might feel nauseous, or even vomit.

It is often experienced in the first trimester, but for some women the nausea and vomiting can last longer than that. There are a few reasons why you are feeling sick, this and includes a surge in pregnancy hormones, changes to your blood pressure and the way your body processes food.

As many as two in three women have some level of morning sickness during the first trimester whereas some women can experience severe morning sickness, known as hyperemesis gravidarum. They may require hospital treatment.

Childbirth educator and midwife, Frances Laing says for women who are able to manage their symptoms at home, it’s important to keep your fluids up.

‘If you’re vomiting, it is easy to become dehydrated. Signs that you need more water could be that you have dry lips, a headache or darker coloured urine.’ Frances said.

‘You might find that having a few dry crackers handy beside your bed, can make help you get you up in the morning. You might also find that your sense of smell is magnified, so try and avoid foods and smells that make you nauseous.

‘Take small sips of fluids and opt for high carbohydrate and high protein foods. Some women also find that ginger tea or even eating kiwifruit can help’.

‘Even if you do find yourself vomiting daily and even losing weight, your baby is most likely still growing and putting on weight. Make sure that you discuss how you are feeling with your GP or obstetrician,’ Frances said.

Always seek medical help if your morning sickness is impacting on your day to day activities or overall health or mental wellbeing.

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