Many women start to feel things start to even out during the second trimester and many describe it as somewhat of a glow! The excitement of a new baby has become reality and a lot of the early tests have given you reassurance that you and your baby are doing well.

You are most likely to notice your weight grows as your baby does and maternity clothes are taking over more of your wardrobe. Any aversion to foods may have passed with the nausea and cravings might have taken over!

It’s important to keep up your water intake and ensure you’re eating as best you can, to prevent constipation. A good rule of thumb is to eat all the colours of the rainbow and include a wide variety of food types in your daily diet. Make a conscious effort to drink around two litres of water per day and try to avoid artificial sweeteners.

Childbirth educator and midwife, Frances Laing, says that there is a lot happening during this stage of your pregnancy.

‘Your baby will have made significant development, visibly changing on any ultrasounds and growing in size and weight,’ Frances said.

‘They will have fully formed sex organs, grow hair, fingernails, toenails and eyebrows and their lungs will begin to develop. Your little one may even start settling into sleep and wake cycles and might even start sucking their hands or thumbs’.

‘If you like music, your baby’s hearing is really developing quickly around this time. As you feel your baby’s movements get stronger, you might like to play them your favourite tunes and see whether they react.’

‘Babies are also known to start getting hiccups around this time. It can feel very strange, but it is an unmistakable ‘hic’ from inside you.

‘If you are an Epworth patient then make sure that you have secured your place in one of our childbirth education classes, as they fill up quickly. They’ve been designed around your Epworth Maternity experience and gives you an opportunity to meet some of our wonderful midwives, who might be caring for you during your stay.

‘We recommend booking for when you’re between 30 and 34 weeks’ gestation, so that it’s fresh in your mind for the big day, but not so late that you could go into labour beforehand.

Epworth Maternity

Maternity education classes

To assist you and your family in preparing for the birth of your new baby and early parenting, Epworth offers a comprehensive maternity education program.
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