Event details:

Title: What’s new in the world of biologic DMARDs
Date: Thursday 22nd June 2023
Time: 12.30pm – 1.30pm
Where: Zoom Webinar- dial in from your PC/laptop/mobile phone/tablet
Program: Presentations with Q&A


The role of biologic and targeted DMARDs in treating rheumatic disease has grown significantly over recent years and are now routinely used in the treatment of common conditions like rheumatoid arthritis. GPs play an essential role in the shared care of these patients and this presentation will hopefully provide some helpful insights and understanding into how these medications can be used effectively and safely in our patients.

This presentation will include discussion on indications for biologic DMARDs in Australia/PBS criteria, biosimilars, JAK inhibitor risks, screening, infection risks, vaccinations, biosimilars, perioperative management of DMARDs and pregnancy management.


Dr Matthew Jiang, Rheumatologist

Learning Outcomes

  1. Discuss the role of biologic DMARDs in rheumatological disease and the eligibility for treatment in Australia.
  2. Understand the risks of DMARDs including infection related issues, as well as perioperative and pregnancy management.


  • Pending approval for RACGP accreditation: Educational Activities (EA) 1.0HR

Event Registration

Register in advance for this webinar: https://epworth.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_ymVUPfHhQtW4AOins2vCsw

To register, please provide the following details and a Zoom webinar link will be sent to your email (if you do not receive a link to your inbox, we suggest checking your Spam and Junk folders).

  • First name and surname
  • RACGP number
  • Practice name
  • Practice suburb and postcode
  • Email address
  • Occupation

Please direct your enquiries to [email protected]

Download the event flyer for complete information.


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