Things are changing really quickly for Alex and Jane, whose bubs, Charlotte and Lola are now 18 weeks old.

Jane says that Lola goes into full fits of laughter and chats away as if she’s having a conversation (cutest thing ever).

She’s rolling all over the place now and I find her in all sorts of places. She’s determined to crawl, lifting her bum as high as it goes and pulling her legs up before she face plants! Just needs to get her arms right and she’ll be off.

Jane has started Lola on food this week, as she’d started snatching everything mum ate! She loves pumpkin and so far peas are a strong no.

Because she’s so active, Jane has transitioned Lola to arms out in her sleeping bag which was a challenge, but after a few tough nights she got used to it.

It certainly is crazy how much things change in their little worlds and they just seem to go with it and learn as they go.

Charlotte has been struggling a bit in the sleeping department and was up several times a night for food, food and more food! Alex was torn between trying to say no and resettle her without feeding and just giving her what she wanted. In the end, she got back into better sleeping habits herself.

Alex has also experienced what it’s like to look after a baby when you’re sick, which has been a challenge, but has also shown the power of breast milk in action.

Charlotte was only unsettled, she wasn’t sick like us, and I’m sure it’s because of the breast milk protecting her. I called the maternal health line for advice and they told me that as soon as the virus entered my body, my milk would’ve started creating antibodies to protect her from it. How amazing is that! 

Alex is learning the art of going with the flow, with life in general becoming heaps of fun

Charlotte had her first father’s day and Brad loved having his little girl with him to celebrate. Charlotte absolutely adores her dad, he walks in the room and her face just lights up!

Sometimes I think they already have their own personal jokes going on! Brad has been a great support so far, it can’t be easy living with a hormonal, tired wife, but he’s always eager to do bath and bedtime and is a professional at resettling her when she wakes.

Lottie and Lola seem to take more notice of each other now giving each other little smiles.

This month, Alex and Jane also did the Light the Night Walk with their girls, marking 10 years since their mum passed away.

We think doing this walk and raising some money will be a great way we can get the girls to remember their grandma.

04 October 2018


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