This week is World Breastfeeding Week, every year the world takes the time to recognize just how invaluable breast milk is for new babies around the globe.

Franjo’s Kitchen supports mother's 365 days of the year with not only our incredible lactation cookies but also our beautiful pregnancy range of biscuits.

So, let’s chat a little bit about why we are so passionate about everything breastfeeding, and in turn nourishing mothers from the inside out with our products.

Some of the many benefits of breastfeeding that we absolutely love:

  • It lowers risk of SIDS
  • Increases bonding between mum and bub
  • Perfectly curated for your babies needs (breastmilk changes when your baby is sick!)
  • Accessible anytime at the perfect temperature
  • Good for the environment, no wastage
  • Free!
  • Decreases bubs risk of food allergies later in life
  • Decreases bubs risk of ear infections, respiratory illnesses, and bouts of diarrhoea
  • Lower risk of certain cancers for mother
  • Helps with postpartum weight loss for mama

We know how hard motherhood is, whilst we often think of breastfeeding as being ‘so natural it must be easy’ that is often not the case. A lot of women struggle with everything from latch, to pain, to not producing enough milk through to sleep deprivation. We know how incredibly hard breastfeeding can be and support all women on their journey. Some of the best breastfeeding advice we have is to rest when you can, stay hydrated, eat a nutritious and varied diet, be kind to yourself and remember, you and baby BOTH have to learn this new skill.

You’ve got this mama. Happy World Breastfeeding Week!

06 August 2019


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