Recipes brought to you by the Epworth team. Seafood paella, easiest to cook on the BBQ to ensure you get that all important crust.

Serves: As many as you want
Prep Time: 45 mins
Cooking Time: 35 mins


  • Olive oil
  • 3-4 cloves garlic
  • 1-2+ tsp paprika
  • 1 g saffron
  • Bay leaf
  • 1 red capsicum, diced
  • 1-2 tbsp salt
  • White rice (long grain or preferably Spanish rice eg calaspara)
  • Tomato paste
  • Diced tomato
  • Chicken or fish stock

A little of all of the following

  • Chorizo sausage
  • Chicken thighs (preferably with bone)
  • Port pieces (preferably with bone)
  • Fresh prawns
  • Calamari rings
  • Mussels


Clean and de-beard the mussels. Heat pan and fry the mussels to open them up. Set aside for later. Clean pan.

Microwave saffron for 5 secs then crush (eg mortar and pestle); add a cup of boiling water and set aside.

In a large frying pan, preferably a paella pan, add 1-2 tbsp of oil and heat on high. Add chicken and cook until dark brown moving a little as possible without burning (10-20 mins).

Then add pork and later chorizo and brown off as well; adding more olive oil as needed.

Add garlic, bay leaf, capsicum and paprika heating up and stirring into meats for a few minutes.

Add diced tomato and tomato paste; cook for a few minutes.

At this stage you just need to add enough rice and water depending on the size of your pan and number of people you are cooking for. About 200 g of rice per person as a guide.

If you are using normal long grain rice then it will be 2 cups of stock per cup of rice.

If you are using Spanish rice (eg Calaspara), then 3 cups of stock per cup of rice.

Add stock and rice per the quantities above. Add a large sprig of rosemary, saffron water and 1-2+ tsp of salt according to your taste.

Boil vigorously; stirring regularly.

After 10 mins evenly add Prawns, Calamari and Mussels to top of dish. Push into rice to cook and get rice into mussels; for another 8 mins. Turn heat down to avoid burning. Minimal stirring from here as rice should dry out. You can cover here or add a bit more liquid if needed.

Once rice is cooked (about 5 more mins to al dente; firm to bite); check with a fork for crust on the bottom. Turn up the heat for a minute or two if not formed.

Serve as is or with a green salad ensuring to include some of the crust with every serve. Enjoy.

12 September 2019


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