Get ready for your little one’s first bath with an essential baby bath time checklist. Learn the supplies you need and how to wash them safely with Purebaby.

Establishing a calm and consistent bedtime ritual is recommended by experts as one of the best ways to help your baby transition to sleep with ease. Every child is different, so you will be the best ones to determine the ideal routine for your own child. However, remember that doing things in the same order and at the same time each night is key to establishing good sleeping habits. A bath is one good way to do this.

Baby Bath Checklist

Have these items ready before bathing your baby:

  • 3 x Nappies (in case of any accidents)
  • Purebaby singlet, a zip growsuit or sleepsuit and a swaddle (change of clean clothes)
  • 2 x Purebaby hooded towels (one extra incase of accidents)
  • 2 x Purebaby Muslin face washers
  • Just water for the first twelve months and mild, sensitive baby soap only if required for hairwashing
  • Nappy change cream and a bowl of warm water
  • Purebaby Goat Hair brush to stimulate the baby's scalp

Every baby needs their very own towel, separate from the rest of the family. You will need a small-sized towel for the first few weeks and another regular-sized towel, as they grow bigger. Purebaby hooded towels are great for easy wrapping and comfortable drying.

How often should I bathe baby?

A bath 2-3 times a week in the first year is fine. In fact, more frequent cleaning may only serve to dry out their soft and sensitive skin. For more information on this, we recommend reading the Raising Children Network guidelines.

How to Bathe a Baby

  1. For a sponge bath, start by choosing a safe, flat surface such as a changing table or the floor, in a warm room.
  2. Fill a bowl or baby bath with warm water. Fill 5cm of bath water for a baby up to six months old. Be careful to check the water temperature.
  3. Undress your baby and wrap them in a towel.
  4. It’s important to clean your little one’s eyes with a washcloth that’s been dampened with just water. Gently wipe from the inner corner of one eye to the outer corner. Once finished, use a clean corner of the cloth to wash the other eye.
  5. Next, clean your baby's nose and ears with the damp washcloth. Before moving on, wet the cloth again and, using a little soap, gently wash his or her face before patting dry.

Pay special attention to creases under the arms, behind the ears, around the neck, and in the genital area. Once finished, make sure your baby is completely dry before you start dressing them in a onesie or other comfy outfit. Always be careful to support your baby's head and neck—cradling their crown when carrying them upright or laying them down.

As your child grows older, activity and play are great tricks to keep your squirming little one distracted while you get the job of washing done.

  • Water books
  • Toys
  • Empty vessels from the kitchen cupboard

These are great tools to keep your child entertained. Ensure you are always at arms length and the water height is never deeper than their waist. A non-slip mat in the base of the bath is also a good idea for secure sitting.

Always fill the bath first; checking the temperature is comfortable for soft sensitive skin.

What is a Safe Baby Bath Temperature?

The recommended temperature for a full immersion bath is around 37 degrees for newborn, and 37 - 38 degrees for 3 month olds and older. You can test water temperature on your wrist or elbow to ensure that the temperature is comfortable.

Bathing rituals are precious moments together. Make the ritual fun and the soothing warmth of your touch will help forge a special bond that will only grow as your little one does.

Explore Purebaby bath time essentials.

How to bath your baby

22 July 2020


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