Please follow this inspirational story that was broadcast on Channel NINE news last night.

Patient Anelia sought the advice of Epworth Freemasons oral and maxillofacial surgeon Dr George Dimitroulis after having radical cancer surgery that removed a significant section of her upper jaw and top lip, approximately two years ago.

Dr Dimitroulis designed a 3D printed jaw part and worked with prosthodontist Chris Hart to replace the new teeth.

Patience, bravery, determination, and several procedures since May this year, resulted in a joyous meeting the doctors’ rooms reunion last week.

Dr Dimitroulis believes that the possibilities for 3D printing technology are endless.  "If you can think outside the square and utilise the technology that's available to you then you can do wonders."

Watch Anelia's amazing journey on YouTube.

Other stories about 3D printed jaw solution 

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