Donations enable us to invest in the development of world-class facilities, representing best practice in both comfort and care.

Cancer Ward refurbishment: Case study

Donors recently funded a complete renovation and refurbishment of the Cancer Ward at Epworth Freemasons as part of the 'Enhancing Care for Cancer Patients' project.

Their generosity has helped ensure cancer patients receive the best possible care during their time with us, in the most comforting and nurturing environment possible.


The generosity of our donors has seen the oncology ward benefit from the arrival of state-of-the-art medical equipment, ensuring our patients receive the most advanced treatments possible.

Palliative care rooms

Several rooms overlooking Fitzroy Gardens were recently upgraded with practical and comfortable furnishings for palliative care patients and visiting loved ones thanks to the generosity of our donors.

For our patients who will experience the final stages of their lives with us, ensuring they are as comfortable and nurtured as possible is paramount.

Patient facilities

The 'Enhancing Care for Cancer Patients' project included a number of upgrades to different areas of both the Ward and Day Oncology areas, including:

  • Landscaping of internal balconies to create a series of attractive and comfortable outdoor spaces for patients and visitors
  • Redesigning of the ward and day-treatment areas with a centralised focus on safety and efficiency. The redesign included enhanced staff education areas and rooms to accommodate the appointment of a Medical Oncology Registrar
  • Renovation of the waiting room to increase size and comfort, meeting growing community need for our oncology services


It is essential for our patients well-being that our facilities continue to represent best practice in both comfort and care.
EMF Team

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