Epworth has moved to help our peers in India, who are battling a devastating and unfolding COVID-19 crisis. With the Indian healthcare system overwhelmed, Epworth doctors and employees wanted to assist by means of fundraising or shipping medical equipment.

This week, Epworth made a significant donation to support India’s response to the pandemic.

Epworth neurosurgeon Girish Nair has been busy fundraising and Vivek Nigam, Director of Medical Services at Epworth Freemasons, has been speaking to healthcare professionals in India as well to work out how to best help.

“The crisis is still unfolding there and many of our staff members have lost family members through this pandemic,” Dr Nigam said.

“The need of the hour is medical equipment. Most deaths happening right now are due to lack of medical oxygen. There is also a need for oxygen concentrators, non-invasive ventilators, masks and a shortage of critical medications.”

“It will be hard for any health system to cope with the large number of hospital beds required. People are getting treated at home for as long as possible.

Scott Bulger, Executive Director, Epworth Medical Foundation and Brand, said many at Epworth have been anxiously following developments overseas and want to help.

“At Epworth, we are committed to helping others in times of distress and disaster. We hope this donation from Epworth, added to global relief efforts, will make a difference in helping those on the ground.”

Our donation has been made to Sewa Australia, a non-profit humanitarian organisation. 


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