To prepare for the arrival of your baby, we highly recommend attending classes facilitated by Epworth midwives.

To secure your place in childbirth classes, we encourage you to book your classes early in the second trimester of pregnancy, with the plan to attend your classes between 30-35 weeks of pregnancy.

Epworth Freemasons contact:
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 9418 8314

At Epworth Freemasons, we offer childbirth classes both in an online & in person format

Book your childbirth class

For Epworth patients and those booked to birth elsewhere, please use the booking form to submit your interest and we will contact you with availability.

Online classes

These classes are offered as a live, full length session from the comfort of your own home. We use the Zoom platform for classes and encourage you to keep your camera on so your educator can engage with you. Our online educators welcome active participation and questions during classes.

For online classes, your Zoom link, along with additional information and resources, will be emailed out 2-4 weeks prior to your scheduled class.

If you are having difficulty accessing your online class details on the day of your class, please call the postnatal ward on 9418 8304 or maternity reception on 9418 8333.

In person classes

In person classes are offered onsite in the Susan Harris Learning Hub, Level 2, Epworth Freemasons Maternity by one of our experienced and passionate midwife educators.

Both our online and in person class sizes are limited to ensure our educators can see and interact with all in attendance and to allow for everyone to join in the discussions.

Classes and resources

  • Antenatal phone call

    Our role at Epworth Freemasons is to assist everyone to achieve a positive birth experience. We are here to support you throughout your pregnancy journey by answering any questions you may have and provide information, education and access to resources. We offer the opportunity to discuss any questions or concerns with one of our midwives in the form of a 30-minute phone call. Often, many questions are answered during the childbirth classes however we appreciate that sometimes concerns are personal and can be discussed in private during your call.

  • HypnoBirthing classes

    Our highly-regarded HypnoBirthing classes are being offered to Epworth Freemasons patients by our trained HypnoBirthing educators. These classes teach self-hypnosis and relaxation techniques to enable couples to feel connected physically, mentally and spiritually and to be prepared for birth. These techniques also help with reducing fear, anxiety and pain during childbirth. These sessions are conducted in small groups to allow for a personalised approach and the opportunity to practice and discuss the technique.

    Watch our video to learn more about HypnoBirthing and how it could help you during pregnancy and birth.

    Download HypnoBirthing brochure

    For online classes, a hypnobirthing instructor will be in touch prior to your class with further information and to send out learning materials by post.

  • Labour, Birth and Baby

    This is a comprehensive childbirth class for first time parents in which we will discuss preparation for labour, birth and the early days after your baby is born. Included is the stages of labour, positions for effective labouring, pain relief options, unexpected outcomes (including caesarean section, episiotomies, forceps), physiological and emotional changes for the mother and baby, getting breastfeeding off to a good start, caring for your baby (settling, sleep, swaddling and nappy changes), adjusting to parenthood, strategies for coping at home and accessing community resources.

    Please be aware, fetal movements and being ‘still aware’, along with SUDI/SIDS is discussed in this class. This may be a topic close to your heart.

  • Caesarean sections

    This class is a childbirth education class specifically designed for those who have chosen to birth their baby via caesarean section. We will discuss when to contact the hospital, the caesarean process, as well as physiological and emotional changes for the mother and baby, getting breastfeeding off to a good start, caring for your baby (settling, sleep, swaddling and nappy changes), adjusting to parenthood, strategies for coping at home and accessing community resources.

    Please be aware, fetal movements and being ‘still aware’, along with SUDI/SIDS is discussed in this class. This may be a topic close to your heart.

  • Birth refresher

    This workshop is recommended for couples who have previous childbirth experience, but are looking to renew and update on their previous experiences. It covers an overview of labour and birth, pain relief options, breastfeeding, helping other children adapt to a new sibling and updates in newborn care. This class is conducted once a month.

    Please be aware, fetal movements and being ‘still aware’, along with SUDI/SIDS is discussed in this class. This may be a topic close to your heart.

  • Breastfeeding

    The breastfeeding class discusses why breastfeeding is considered so important and the benefits to breastfeeding your baby. We will talk about how and when to attach your baby to the breast, as well as expressing techniques and the storing of your breast milk. We will demonstrate breastfeeding positions to ensure you are comfortable with different breastfeeding styles. Partners are encouraged to attend and learn about breastfeeding so they can provide support and assistance. This class is designed for pregnant women to learn the basics of breastfeeding and how it can benefit you and your baby.

  • Grandparents handbook

    Please get in touch with us at [email protected] to request your copy of our Grandparents Handbook. The booklet contains information specifically designed for grandparents and discusses current infant and maternal health concepts such as SIDS, swaddling techniques, infant safety and supporting the new parents.

  • Twins handbook

    If you’re having twins, congratulations! You might be wondering how you’ll juggle two babies or what you might expect but rest assured that our midwives have lots of advice and support for you.

    Please contact [email protected] for your twins booklet, a digital resource filled with tips on setting up your home, feeding and coping in those early days.


For bookings and further information

Email: [email protected]

We hope you enjoy the childbirth and parenting education program and we look forward to sharing this exciting time with you and your family.

Book your childbirth class

If your health fund is either BUPA, MBP, NIB or AHSA and your policy includes pregnancy and birth services, one of either Labour Birth & Baby or Caesarean Section classes will be included as part of your hospital package.

Check if your health fund is part of the included AHSA Funds. Patients with other health funds or self-funded/uninsured patients, please select the ‘Other’ option during the booking process.

Cancellation policy

Online class cancellation and refunds: If you choose to cancel before receiving your online package, you will receive a full refund. If you chose to cancel the class after your online package has been sent, you are eligible for a 50% refund.

Face to face: Refunds for face to face classes are only available if you give birth, are admitted to another hospital, or we are forced to cancel before your scheduled class.

We are unable to provide refunds if you cancel your online or face to face class within 72 hours of the scheduled class time.

Epworth Maternity

Bump, Birth & Bub

They say that babies don’t come with a handbook -
this might just be the next best thing!

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